Following its electrifying world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), the highly anticipated horror-thriller HERETIC has dropped a chilling new trailer, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the sinister twists that await audiences. The film, which blends elements of religious horror with psychological suspense, stars Hugh Grant in a hauntingly malevolent role, alongside rising stars Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East. HERETIC is set to open in theaters nationwide on November 8th.
In the film, two young missionaries, portrayed by Thatcher and East, find themselves caught in a terrifying ordeal after knocking on the wrong door. They are greeted by the diabolical Mr. Reed, played by Grant, who ensnares them in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, testing the limits of their faith and survival.
Written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, the creative duo behind A Quiet Place, HERETIC promises to deliver an unforgettable and terrifying experience just in time for the holiday season.
Mark your calendars: HERETIC hits theaters everywhere on November 8th.
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