There was a time when going back to school for little Black girls meant a head full of braids slicked down with plenty of Ultra Sheen and barrettes for days.
But as social media has shown us, times have changed for some Black parents who are opting to swap the hair grease , Afro puffs and barrettes for lace fronts (yes, you heard that right) as they send their little ones off to school.
TikTok is loaded with videos of parents gluing wigs on kids as young as a year old. Although some are going crazy over how cute the long hair makes the kids look, there’s an equally vocal camp that is crying foul and calling the whole thing a form of child abuse.
Whether you think the trend is cute or careless, it is important to be aware of the potential harmful side effects of using wig glue on young children, as Judy a New York City/New Jersey stylist told The Root.
“I would never put a lace front on a small child,” she said. “It can cause damage to their hairline. They could also have an allergic reaction to the glue.”
If you need to see for yourself, check out this video of a beautiful baby with a pacifier having a lace front wig installed while sitting on what we can assume to be her mother’s lap. In one post, commenters are outraged by the act.
“She looks like she’s losing her edges already. You are forcing her to a life of wearing weaves bc she will be balding by the time she is a teenager,” wrote one person in the comment section.
But a different post of the same video got a mostly positive response, with some people even asking how they could get a teeny baby wig of their own.
“Aww she does [look] so cute,” wrote one commenter.
TikTok was just as divided over wig influencer @iamkrystallashon’s video of her putting a wig on her five-year-old daughter for the first day of school after her hair appointment was unexpectedly cancelled.
Some people were obviously outraged.
“Hey, so this is actually insane!” wrote someone in the comment section.
Others wanted the critics to back off, pointing out that Krystal only used her daughter as a model to promote her products and took the wig off at the end of the video.
“Y’all can’t even hate cuz she eats in it 😭😍😍😍😝,” wrote one commenter.
Another commenter thinks there are better ways to make a kid that young look cute for school.
“We couldn’t do like bantu knots or something?” they wrote.
But this video of a 4-year-old with a lace front and acrylic nails is where lots of people are drawing the line, arguing that introducing girls to wigs at such a young age can have harmful effects on their self-esteem in the long run.
“I don’t agree with her putting her in no lace front, let her learn to love her natural self and be a kid,” wrote a commenter.