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    Pledged of $5,000,000 Goal

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Twin Forks Rising Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and a registered Mississippi charity located in Ward 2, City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Update: WDAM Change Maker News Story on Twin Forks. 2/8/21

Twin Forks Rising CDC has a goal of raising $5 million over the next three years to address the critical needs of its underserved population. Many off-line fundraising activities are being pursued as well, not the least of which includes applying for government and private foundation grants.

Some of the issues addressed are as following:

  • Scarcity of Resources
  • Homelessness
  • Recidivism
  • Substandard housing
  • Addiction
  • Unemployment (and underemployment)
  • Insufficient Broadband Access
  • Environmental Challenges
  • Health Care Disparity
  • Food Desert


Twin Forks Rising at 37:29 on this youtube video.

In wake of COVID-19, Twin Forks Rising now has the added mission to help in the pandemic recovery effort.

Twin Forks Rising's mission is the "holistic redevelopment of Ward 2," which includes infrastructure, solutions to the flooding issues, workforce, and human development, making Ward 2 more livable, establishing medical facilities, and addressing re-entry, among many other things.

In this southern Mississippi community, trains often block access to roads for long periods, which could cause delays in accessing emergency medical services when time is of the essence. Just recently Twin Forks Rising and the City of Hattiesburg realized one aspect of the Twin Forks Rising Master Plan by securing funding for two overpasses. The two overpasses will allow ingress and egress to Twin Forks Rising during train traffic.

Twin Forks Rising CDC - Hattiesburg, MS - Demographics.

Todd Jackson, executive vice president of economic development for the Area Development Partnership, said ADP staff is looking forward to seeing the results of the project. "The plan maps out a prosperous future for this important area of our city, one that creates opportunity for all and provides a blueprint for positive change," he said.

The Twin Forks Rising development "encompasses approximately 4,220 acres and 8,352 people," he said. "The Twin Forks Rising master plan is a visionary roadmap for this historic area of Hattiesburg."

Infrastructure Framework: The Foundation of Growth

Twin Forks Rising needs upgrades to its infrastructure in order to accommodate the anticipated growth spurred by the Master Plan. The plan has already produced upgrades to the City’s sewer system, part of which replaces the old terracotta pipes and improves storm water management.

Commercial Activity: The Spark for Growth

A necessary component of the Twin Forks Rising(TFR) is devising ways to spark economic activity in Twin Forks Rising. The centerpiece of the implementation strategy for Twin Forks Rising is the establishment of a Cultural, Arts, and Innovation District (the “CAID”) within Ward 2. The CAID will draw on TFR’s roots as a once thriving, culturally rich African-American community, and firmly establish the role of arts and culture as a key component in the revitalization of TFR. The development of the CAID will create a community cultural hub within TFR, where a diverse and dynamic mix of art, culture, technology and innovation and other collaborative initiatives will converge.

Further, the Plan recognizes certain long-standing challenges that can be solved for the people of Ward 2 by making it a more attractive place to live, there by attracting new residents. The Plan anticipates introducing a fresh food solution designed to promote healthy living, a medical care center to provide access to emergency healthcare east of the train tracks and a K-12 school designed to exceed the state standards to reinforce TFR as a place to settle.

Human Development

This TFR Master Plan is intended to provide a roadmap to help spur investment, opportunities and to improve the quality of life. A vital portion of the equation for success is for the residents in Ward 2 to improve economically. The purpose of human capital development is to increase opportunity and break the cycle of poverty. The CDC, through its use of capital, incentives, and other effort, can contribute significant positive impacts.

In the short-term, the CDC will introduce affordable career pathways for TFR residents into growing sectors, e.g., technology with the goal of facilitating awareness of career opportunities. It will look to do the same for its entrepreneurial resident by offering business startup assistance programs. The added benefit of these operationally low-cost programs is to allow the TFR redevelopment to begin without requiring substantial mobilization capital, i.e., to keep momentum around the Master Development.


To drive this movement toward a better quality of life for the residents of Twin Forks Rising, wide ranging support is needed. In recent times we have feed the area masses going thru the pandemic and have distributed needed personal protective supplies. We have repaired homes and have partnered with a national foundation to build homes for the needy. We ask your financial support to continue the work.

If you prefer to donate by mail, kindly send a check to this address: 

Twin Forks Rising CDC ~ Fundraising Project ~ Post Office Box 2125 ~ Hattiesburg, MS 39403

Thank you for your generosity.



Project FAQ


  • To promote a better quality of life for residents and to provide vibrant neighborhoods;
  • To developed plans for flood prevention and living with water;
  • To attract new residential and commercial development;
  • To increase career opportunities;
  • To improve housing conditions;
  • To promote culture and arts activities;
  • To address health and income disparity;
  • To promote healthy outdoor activity and
  • To make the Leaf and Bowie Rivers tourist destinations as well as local family attraction
Why should I back this project?

If we are to accomplish the objective of lifting and impoverished community to a point of self-sufficiency and beyond, your help is needed. We need you to make a pledge to support us by donating $10 monthly, $20 monthly, $50 monthly, $1,000 monthly or a one-time contribution of your choice.

How can I back this project? 

  1. Online: Simple click on the Backer Tab above and select your pledge amount. (This option is processed through PayPal, Debit/Credit Card or Direct Transfer.)
  2. Mail: Kindly send a check to:
Twin Forks Rising CDC
Fundraising Project
Post Office Box 2125
Hattiesburg, MS 39403